About Us


The Vidyapati Educational Trust is all intended towards the fulfillment of educational needs of the locality.

The main objects for which this trust is established are to run support, develop and maintains Schools, Colleges, Coaching center for various Competitive Examinations, Vocational and professional training, universities, research and other institutions of the like nature in India, for use of the students and the staff and also for development of education and diffusion of knowledge amongst the public in general.

The Trust aims to ensure that those who have missed out in the past are given the opportunity to gain education and skills. Our Trust raises money which goes towards providing free subsidised education to weaker section of society, irrespective of castes, colour, creed or religion.


The philosophy of the campus is based upon the academic excellence through expert guidance and self motivation through a large variety of activities such as Debate, Declamation, Quiz, Hobbies and well organized exercises.

Education since genesis has been considered best as imparted through gurukul ashrams. Even today the philosophy of the best educational institutions in India is based upon the same line. But those institutions are very much expensive and are located at distant places like Dehradun, Nainital, Mussorrie, Pilani etc. So that many wishful parents from lower-middle classes and remote areas can not afford to educate their children.

Keeping in view the demand of the place and the request of several wishful parents we are determined of fulfilling the same amongst the poors, needies , downtrodens, physically handicapped, scheduled castes, minorities and economically backwards. All this is managed through selected staff guided under the strict supervision of an ex-sainik school student and ex-NDA cadet having a lot of experiences in academic life.


Our school is a unit of Vidyapati Educational trust. This trust is totally intended towards fulfilling the educational needs of people. The school is putting its hearts and soul in the interest of the nation to save the misguided children by imparting proper education. We put our all efforts to bring the children from agriculture farm to the school. The school is still in nascent stage and large no. of construction works with human and physical infrastructure is yet to be completed. The paying capacity of the locality is meagre hence donations are expected from government, NGOs, well to do persons and other external bodies.

Vidyapati Jha
Ex. Sainik School Student
Ex National Defence Academy Cadet
Managing Trustee
Phone : 09431604643, 09955284360
Email : vidyapati1247@yahoo.com


Vidyapati Public school is one of the most prestigious schools in our territory. Founded by Vidyapati Jha in 1999, The school has aquired laurels and has gained reputation. Having very less resources at that time it was impossible for our establishment to create awareness and willingness amongst the illiterate, poor and backward people for education. In the very first year we produced magnificient result and carried out number of extra curricular events in that very rural areas. These strategies worked and we were able to convince number of parents to send their children from agriculture farm to school. After that we never looked back, and year after years we are scripting the story of success in each house.

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