Vision & Mission


The school was started in the year 1999, in the name and style of Viydapati Educational Complex, when on 5th of January we started our first class. Under the shade of nature’s wonderful beauty, with great enthusiasm after that we never looked back and produced magneficient results year over years. Subsequently on 29th day of May 2009 after the completion of rigorous journey of one decade Vidyapati Educational Complex became Vidyapati Public School and started functioning under a duly registered trust known as Vidyapati Educational Trust.


The Vidyapati Public School has an aim to be an institution of excellence and brilliance which is dedicated for the production of future leaders.

The Vidyapati Public School must maintain a sharp focus on the pursuit of knowledge and skill. In particular, it must attain the highest academic standards.

" A sense of integrity, ethics and uncompromising honesty. Leadership, with a sense of team work and fair play. An awareness of the environment. A concern for human rights and democratic values"


The Vidyapati Educational Trust is all intended towards the fulfillment of educational needs of the locality.

The main objects for which this trust is established are to run support, develop and maintains Schools, Colleges, Coaching center for various Competitive Examinations, Vocational and professional training, universities, research and other institutions of the like nature in India, for use of the students and the staff and also for development of education and diffusion of knowledge amongst the public in general.

The Trust aims to ensure that those who have missed out in the past are given the opportunity to gain education and skills.

Our Trust raises money which goes towards providing free subsidised education to weaker section of society, irrespective of castes, colour, creed or religion.

© Vidyapati Public School | Design By : Parentsalarm